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- ;===========================================================================
- ; cnetconfig
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ; creates config file for cnet.devcie (in s:cnetdev.config)
- ;
- ; NOTE: The file "s:config.dev" is used by cnet.device ONLY if it cannot
- ; detect PCMCIA attribute memory ie. if the card did NOT power up
- ; properly. Therefore cnetconfig should only be run when the card
- ; IS working properly, so that a valid configuration can be saved!
- ;
- ; History:
- ;
- ; 8-7-97 v0.0 created by Bruce Abbott (bhabbott@inhb.co.nz)
- ;
- ;
- opt i+,d+
- output ram:cnetconfig
- include start.i ; Amiga includes and startup code
- include pcmcia.i ; card.resourse etc.
- include sanaii.i ; the essential network stuff
- include cnet.i ; CNet CN40BC hardware specs
- include printf.i
- ; flags
- _main:
- move.l WBenchMsg(pc),d0
- beq.s .cli
- lea consolename(pc),a0
- move.l a0,d1
- move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
- dos open ; open console window
- move.l d0,ohandle
- bls done
- bset #MYB_CONSOLE,flags
- bra .getdev
- .cli:
- dos output ; get CLI output handle
- move.l d0,ohandle
- beq done
- .getdev:
- move.l execbase(pc),a3
- move.l devicelist(a3),a0
- lea devname(pc),a1
- exec findname ; find device in exec resident list
- move.l d0,a2
- tst.l d0
- bne found
- notfound:
- bsr createport ; create msgport for iorequest
- move.l d0,port
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l #IOS2_SIZE,d0
- bsr createio ; create iorequest for opendev
- move.l d0,ior
- move.l ior(pc),a1
- lea devname(pc),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- exec opendevice ; open "cnet.device" unit 0
- tst.l d0
- beq.s opened
- move.l ior(pc),a1
- lea fulldevname(pc),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- exec opendevice ; open "devs:networks/cnet.device"
- tst.l d0
- beq.s opened
- printf <10,"Could not open '%s'!",10>,devname
- bra done
- opened:
- bset #MYB_DEVOPENED,flags
- move.l ior(pc),a1
- move.l io_device(a1),a2
- found:
- move.l dd_cardres(a2),a6
- lea dd_cardhandle(a2),a1
- lea tuple(pc),a0
- moveq #CISTPL_CONF_MAP,d1
- moveq #40,d0
- jsr _LVOCopyTuple(a6) ; read config map tuple
- tst.l d0
- beq carderror
- moveq #0,d3
- move.b tuple+5(pc),d3
- lsl.w #8,d3
- move.b tuple+4(pc),d3
- printf <10,"Configuration Register = $%04lx",10>,d3
- lea dd_cardhandle(a2),a1
- lea tuple(pc),a0
- moveq #CISTPL_CONFIG,d1
- moveq #40,d0
- jsr _LVOCopyTuple(a6) ; read 1st config tuple
- tst.l d0
- beq carderror
- moveq #0,d4
- move.b tuple+2(pc),d4
- and.b #$3f,d4
- printf <10,"Card Configuration ID = $%02lx",10>,d4
- move.l dd_romstationaddress(a2),d5
- moveq #0,d6
- move.w dd_romstationaddress+4(a2),d6
- printf <10,"ROM Station Address = %08lx%04lx",10,10>,d5,d6
- lea filename(pc),a0
- move.l a0,d1
- move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
- DOS Open
- tst.l d0
- ble file_error
- move.l ohandle(pc),d7 ; remember console output handle
- move.l d0,ohandle
- printf <"$%04lx=$%02lx",10,"@%08lx%04lx",10>,d3,d4,d5,d6
- move.l ohandle(pc),d1
- DOS Close
- move.l d7,ohandle ; restore console output handle
- lea filename(pc),a0
- printf <10,"Created '%s'",10,10>,a0
- bra done
- file_error:
- lea filename(pc),a0
- printf <10,"Could NOT create '%s'!",10,10>,a0
- bra done
- carderror:
- printf <10,10,"Warning: Attribute memory NOT detected!",10,10>
- move.l dd_romstationaddress(a2),d4
- moveq #0,d5
- move.w dd_romstationaddress+4(a2),d5
- printf <"ROM Station Address = %08lx%04lx",10,10>,d4,d5
- move.l dd_stationaddress(a2),d4
- moveq #0,d5
- move.w dd_stationaddress+4(a2),d5
- printf <"Station Address used = %08lx%04lx",10,10>,d4,d5
- done:
- btst #MYB_DEVOPENED,flags(pc)
- beq.s .devclosed
- move.l ior(pc),a1
- exec closedevice ; close device
- .devclosed:
- move.l ior(pc),a0
- move.l #IOS2_SIZE,d0
- bsr deleteio ; delete iorequest
- move.l port(pc),a0
- bsr deleteport ; delete msgport
- btst #MYB_CONSOLE,flags(pc)
- beq.s .noconsole
- move.l #50*10,d1 ; wait 10 seconds
- dos delay
- move.l ohandle(pc),d1
- dos close ; close console window
- .noconsole:
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- ;***********************************
- ;* Create Signalling Message Port *
- ;***********************************
- ;
- ; Port = CreatePort()
- ; d0
- ;
- CreatePort:
- movem.l d2/a2,-(sp)
- moveq.l #-1,d0
- exec AllocSignal
- move.l d0,d2
- bmi.s .error
- move.b d0,d2
- moveq.l #MP_SIZE,d0
- exec AllocMem
- move.l d0,a2
- beq.s .error
- sub.l a1,a1
- exec FindTask
- move.l d0,MP_SIGTASK(a2)
- move.b d2,MP_SIGBIT(a2)
- move.b #NT_MSGPORT,LN_TYPE(a2)
- move.b #PA_SIGNAL,MP_FLAGS(a2)
- lea MP_MSGLIST(a2),a1
- move.l a1,lh_head(a1) ;Newlist a1
- addq.l #4,lh_head(a1)
- clr.l lh_tail(a1)
- move.l a1,lh_tailpred(a1)
- move.l a2,d0 ; D0 = port
- bra.s .done
- .error:
- move.l a2,a1
- bsr.s DeletePort
- moveq #0,d0
- .done:
- movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
- rts
- ;***************************
- ;* Delete Message Port *
- ;***************************
- ; DeletePort(port)
- ; a0
- ;
- DeletePort:
- move.l a2,-(sp)
- move.l a0,d0
- beq.s .done
- move.l d0,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b MP_SIGBIT(a1),d0
- bmi.s .nosignal
- move.l a1,a2
- exec FreeSignal
- move.l a2,a1
- .nosignal:
- moveq #MP_SIZE,d0
- exec FreeMem
- .done:
- move.l (sp)+,a2
- rts
- ;********************************
- ;* Create IORequest *
- ;********************************
- ;
- ; ioreq = CreateIO(port,size)
- ; d0 a0 d0
- ;
- CreateIO:
- movem.l d2/a2,-(sp)
- move.l a0,a2
- move.l d0,d2
- exec AllocMem
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .done
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a2,MN_REPLYPORT(a0)
- move.b #NT_MESSAGE,LN_TYPE(a0)
- move.w d2,MN_LENGTH(a0)
- .done:
- movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
- rts
- ;*********************
- ;* Delete IO Request *
- ;*********************
- ; DeleteIO(ioreq,size)
- ; a0 d0
- ;
- DeleteIO:
- move.l a0,d1
- beq.s .done
- move.l d1,a1
- exec FreeMem
- .done:
- rts
- port:
- dc.l 0
- ior:
- dc.l 0
- tuple:
- ds.b 48 ; buffer to read tuple into
- flags:
- dc.b 0
- even
- fulldevname:
- dc.b "devs:networks/"
- devname:
- dc.b "cnet.device",0
- even
- filename:
- dc.b "s:cnetdev.config",0
- even
- consolename:
- dc.b "CON:60/60/480/120/ cnetconfig ",0
- even
- dc.b "$VER: cnetconfig "
- dc.b (VERSION+"0"),".",(REVISION+"0")," "
- dc.b __DATE
- dc.b " by Bruce Abbott (bhabbott@inhb.co.nz)",10,0
- even